A short documentary made during the beginning of the school year, featured in a school-wide short film festival
Tagline: A disgruntled filmmaker confronts what he believes to be the biggest issue facing his college campus: the 36 Bens that share his name...
A dramatic short film produced as a thesis project where I worked as the head gaffer.
Tagline: A man subsequently loses everything after his family mysteriously disappears, seemingly replaced by two fish.
A short film directed and starred by myself, made for the Quarantine International Film Festival in 2020
Tagline: A young filmmaker with a green screen attempts to make a short film about a bear encounter for a film festival, but is interrupted by his own conscious
A short film directed, written, filmed and acted entirely by myself during the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Tagline: During the beginning of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a young man discusses with himself the issue of staying indoors.
A college sketch show created with help form the Sunbutter Stand Up Comedy Group of Colorado College. Organized, directed and starring Sunbutter's members.
Article written for the Cipher Literary Magazine about our colleges COVID experience
A humorous article written for the Cipher Literary Magazine about haring the most important meal of the day